Archive for December, 2011


I’m Still Alive!

December 7, 2011

*waving an arm* I’m still alive! Hello, readers! :-D

Last spring I had took a vacation from this blog, as my life was a lot stressful at the time. Summer was rolling in and I thought, “hey, screw this!” and pack up my cyber-luggage to have a much needed vacation. I unplugged from this blog, blocked out all things politics, and had the best summer of my life!

Though, I continued to get the hit reports in my email inbox with the number of readers coming to this little piece of space in the net. A big chunk of the numbers were of those snagging pics from my blog, which is cool with me, as I’ve snagged these pics myself from Google Images. By the way, if anyone has an issue with me using their image, please let me know. I have no problem taking them down. ;-)

But what shocked me, is that most of the numbers were of legit people reading my posts here! I can tell by the time spent on one article or another here, and return visits. I thought the numbers would dwindle after a while, but it’s held steadily for months now! That’s very flattering and it’s proof that I’m not such a crap writer as I believe myself to be. Haha! Thanks for caring enough to read my rants, bias opinions, and emotional outbursts. It’s much appreciated. :-)

As for my summer, I haven’t been up to too much. I’ve cruised a few forums, enjoyed chatting with my best friends (waves to Juan and Julie!), and also got addicted to micro-blogging. In other words, I relaxed a lot and enjoyed myself, instead of ranting. You can view my Tumbrl here: Now, Where Did I Leave My Keys?

I’ve decided that I’m not coming back to this old blog, not now anyway, maybe someday. I’ve also been growing as a person too over the summer, with a more busier life, and I can’t do the daily posts here like I use to. And there is no room for weekly posts either. But I wanted to let everyone know that everything is good and I’m okay. I hate leaving something on a bad note, if I can help it. Happy holidays everyone! And enjoy writing your own stories in the New Year. :-)
